Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, International
Nanny State Index in Politico
“The EU is becoming a worse place to eat, drink, vape and smoke,” writes EPICENTER, a network of six free-market think tanks, which has launched its annual Nanny State Index ranking EU countries in terms of “paternalistic overregulation.” Finland, the U.K. and Ireland are “the most oppressive” countries, while the Czech Republic and Germany are “the freest.” |
Nanny State Index in EurActiv
“Usually praised by the EU for its highly competitive economy, Finland came under attack by a group of free-market think tanks on Wednesday (10 May) for pushing “paternalistic lifestyle policies” aimed at curbing consumption of tobacco, alcohol and sugary drinks.” |
Nanny State Index in De Standaard
Europese Conferentie Tegen Betuttelende ‘Nanny State’ |
Nanny State Index in Novinky
“Česko je nejsvobodnější zemí EU, tvrdí ekonomický institut. Protikuřácký zákon to může změnit: Česko je nejsvobodnější zemí v Evropské unii, pokud jde o svobodu životního stylu. Vyplynulo to z žebříčku Nanny State Index (Indikátor pečovatelského státu), který sestavuje organizace Epicenter ve spolupráci s londýnským Institutem pro ekonomické záležitosti.” |
Nanny State Index in Aktualne
“Česko je nejsvobodnější země EU, tvrdí autoři nového porovnání. Nejméně reguluje chování občanů: Žebříček nazvaný Nanny State Index hodnotil, jak státy omezují životní styl svých občanů. Regulace potravin, alkoholických nápojů, tabákových výrobků a elektronických cigaret je podle něj nejvyšší ve Finsku, nejnižší v Česku.” |
Nanny State Index in Pealinn
“Eesti on Euroopa riikide ülereguleerituse edetabelis 14. Kohal: Eesti koht Euroopa riikide ülereguleerituse edetablis Nanny State Index (NSI) on paranenud (Eesti paikneb 28 Euroopa riigi seas 14. kohal), selgub EPICENTERi ja Estonian Business Schooli koostöös valminud uuringus.” |
Nanny State Index in YLE
“Friday’s papers: Arctic Council, Finland #1 nanny state, the dangers of ticks, and birds on the rails: Despite US pressure, the Arctic Council, now chaired by Finland, takes a tough position on climate change. An international think tank ranks Finland at the top of its Nanny State Index.” |
Nanny State Index in Iltalehti
“Tätä listaa Suomi dominoi: Yhä Euroopan kovin holhousvaltio – viinasäännöt rokottavat: Suomi on jo toisen kerran peräkkäin Euroopan kovin holhousvaltio.” |
Nanny State Index in Talouselama
“‘Holhousvaltiovertailu’ julkaistiin jälleen: Suomi taas ykkösenä: Keskiviikkona julkaistiin European Policy Centre -nimisen (EPC) ajatushautomon Nanny State Index 2017 (Holhousvaltioindeksi 2017), jonka kärkeen sijoittui jälleen Suomi.” |
Nanny State Index in Tekniikan Maailma
“Suomi nappasi jälleen Euroopan pahimman ”holhousvaltion” tittelin – alkoholilait erottuivat edukseen: Viime vuonna ensi kerran julkaistu tutkimus Euroopan eniten ja vähiten kansalaistensa vapaa-aikaa säätelevistä valtioista on jälleen päivitetty. Suomi piti paikkansa listan ylivoimaisena kuninkaana.” |
Nanny State Index in Finn-Land
“Finnland: Der 12. Mai 2017 ist Snellman-Tag, Tag des Finnen: Laut Nanny State Index 2017 ist Finnland das europäische Land, das seine Bürger bei Nikotin, Alkohol und Lebensmitteln am meisten bevormundet.” |
Nanny State Index in Business Insider Nordic
“Finland is ‘the worst country to eat, drink, smoke and vape in the EU’ – unchallenged on the Nanny-State Index: The free-market think-tank IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs), has updated The Nanny-State Index for 2017 and one thing that hasn’t changed is how sovereignly Finland tops the list.” |
Nanny State Index in Express Business
“La Finlande est l’Etat le plus paternaliste d’Europe: La Finlande est l’Etat le plus paternaliste d’Europe, suivie de la Grande-Bretagne et de l’Irlande, indique le rapport « Nanny State Index » d’Epicenter, un groupe de six think tanks européens qui promeut les politiques de libre-échange.” |
Nanny State Index in Le Opinion
“La France, un des six pays les plus moralisateurs d’Europe, selon l’Institut économique Molinari: Sur l’encadrement des ventes de sucre, d’alcool ou de tabac, l’État français est plus janséniste qu’épicurien. Sans grand résultat sur une population qui penche plutôt pour l’inverse.”. |
Nanny State Index in Le Opinion
“Les boissons rafraîchissantes sans alcool, un secteur industriel important: La France est au deuxième rang pour les pays les plus moralisateurs en matière de boissons sans sucre.” |
Nanny State Index in Pourquoi Docteur
“La France se classe en 6e position des états européens les plus moralisateurs, avec trop peu de résultats, estime l’Institut Molinari. « Fumer tue », « Ne mangez pas trop gras, trop sucré, trop salé », « L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, consommez avec modération »” |
Nanny State Index in Contrepoints
“Cet Etat moralisateur qui vous veut du bien, malgre vous: Le score Etat-moralisateur de l’Institut Economique Molinari montre l’inefficacite des politiques prohibitives pour ameliorer les conditions sanitaires.” |
Nanny State Index in Marianne
“Clope, coca, alcool : la France, terre de tabous en Europe: Assez loin de l’image libertaire dont elle jouit souvent à l’étranger, la France serait au contraire l’un des pays les plus moralisateurs de l’Union européenne. C’est en tout cas la conclusion d’une étude menée par un institut économique libéral, qui a comparé les mesures sanitaires des 28 Etats membres.” |
Nanny State Index in Le Monde du Tabac
“Du tabac aux boissons sucrées : la France, sixième au classement des pays européens les plus « moralisateurs » (Institut économique Molinari): Taxes comportementales, stigmatisation des consommateurs, restriction des possibilités de choix, interdiction de publicité … Cela vous dit quelque chose ?” Read the full article from Le Monde du Tabac here. |
Nanny State Index in Slate France
“Alcool, tabac, sucres: la France classée parmi les États les plus «moralisateurs»: Selon un indicateur calculé par un économiste britannique, «le niveau de tolérance en matière de modes de vie diminue» dans de nombreux pays européens.” |
Nanny State Index in The Local
“No nanny state here: Germany a top place to let loose: Germany is less of a ‘nanny state’ than most of Europe when it comes to the everyday pleasures of boozing and smoking, a new report shows.” |
Nanny State Index in The Irish Sun
“SIN TAX: Ireland is one of the strictest countries in the world when it comes to food, drink and smoking: Our nation ranked third on the Nanny State Index with some of the world’s highest sin taxes.” |
Nanny State Index in NewsTalk
“Ireland one of Europe’s most restrictive ‘Nanny States’: Researchers have warned that Irish laws and regulations have gotten ‘a little bit out of control.” |
Nanny State Index in Hibernia Forum
“The Hibernia Forum co-launch new edition of European Nanny State Index: Once again, Ireland featured very high on this thorough index of the growing Nanny State culture in various EU and non EU states, now at an extraordinary 3rd place.” |
Nanny State Index in Affaritaliani
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in GoSalute
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in Il Dubbio
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in La Salute in Pillole
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in MeteoWeb
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in Pagine Mediche
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index Pagine Monaci
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in Panorama
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in Sassari Notizie
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in Mille Una Donna
“Salute: Stato nemico dei ‘vizi’, Italia paternalista in classifica europea: Cosa mangiare, bere, fumare e come prenderci cura della nostra salute.” |
Nanny State Index in Sigmagazine
“Indagine su scala europea, l’Italia punisce l’ecig più del tabacco: Nanny State Index 2017: nella classifica degli Stati etici di Epicenter il nostro Paese si rivela abbastanza liberale su cibo, alcool e tabacco, ma fra I piú restrittivi sul vaping.” |
Nanny State Index in FOR
“Komunikat 10/2017: Indeks Państwowego Paternalizmu w UE – nowe restrykcje w Polsce w 2016 r. Europejska sieć think tanków EPICENTER opublikowała drugą edycję Indeksu Państwowego Paternalizmu w UE – The Nanny State Index.” |
Nanny State Index in Money
“To nie jest kraj dla pijących, palących i jedzących niezdrowo. Polska awansuje w ranking: Największy awans spośród wszystkich krajów Unii Europejskiej zanotowała Polska w najnowszym rankingu Nanny State Index. To oznacza, że nad Wisłą przepisy mocno utrudniają życie palaczom, pijącym alkohol oraz mającym niezdrową dietę. I jak się okazuje – znacznie bardziej niż jeszcze rok temu.” |
Nanny State Index in Business Insider Poland
“Polskie władze (dla naszego dobra) coraz bardziej ograniczają wolność. Oto dowód: Zakaz palenia w niektórych lokalach, spożywania alkoholu w miejscach publicznych czy reklamowania e-papierosów.” |
Nanny State Index in Wiadomosci Handlowe
“Polska jednym z najbardziej restrykcyjnych państw ws. jedzenia, alkoholu, papierosów i wapowania: Organizacja European Policy Information Center (EPICENTER) przygotowała drugą już edycję rankingu „Nanny State Index” (nanny state to dosł. państwo-niania), w którym oceniane są restrykcje dotyczące jedzenia, picia alkoholu, palenia papierosów i „wapowania”, czyli palenia e-papierosów. Polska zajmuje wysokie 9. miejsce wśród 28 krajów europejskich.” |
Nanny State Index in Newsweek
“Gdzie najłatwiej i gdzie najtrudniej w Europie napić się piwa i zapalić papierosa?: Lubisz popularne używki? Nie jedź do Finlandii i Wielkiej Brytanii. W tych krajach rządy najbardziej starają się zniechęcić obywateli do palenia tytoniu i picia alkoholu. W Polsce państwo też dość mocno pilnuje, byśmy trzymali się z dala od tych zgubnych nałogów.” |
Nanny State Index in Forsal
“Państwo jak surowy ojciec. Podatki od grzechów: Finlandia to ciągle największa „niańka” w Europie podczas gdy Czechy pozostały rajem dla libertarian. Polsce coraz bliżej jest do Finlandii. Takie wnioski płyną z najnowszej edycji „The Nanny State Index”.” |
Nanny State Index in Polskie Radio
“Czy nasze państwo jest nadopiekuńcze?: Czy czują się Państwo jak dzieci, czasem nieogarnięte, którym państwo organizuje życie w przekonaniu, że wie lepiej?” |
Russia | |
Nanny State Index on 420On
“Чехию признали самой свободной страной ЕС по употреблению алкоголя и курению: Рейтинг составляли на основе степени государственного регулирования, которое отражается на употреблении алкоголя, курении и использовании электронных сигарет, а также на выборе нездоровой пищи.” |
Nanny State Index in Around Prague
Чехия – лучшая страна в ЕС для людей с вредными привычками: Опубликован очередной ежегодный Nanny State Index – рейтинг, отражающий либеральность стран Евросоюза к вредным привычкам. Новшеством рейтинга стало отношение к электронным сигаретам, а в целом, эта статистика отражает терпимость правительств стран ЕС к потреблению никотина, алкоголя, вредной еды (по мнению правительств) и так далее. |
Nanny State Index in Svet Kapitala
“Slovenija na 11. mestu držav v EU, ki vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov: Države Evropske unije vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov na področju pijače, hrane, alkohola in cigaret, razkriva danes objavljeni indeks paternalizma (Nanny State Index). Med državami, ki so postale bolj zaščitniške, je tudi Slovenija, ki se je med članicami EU z lanskega 16. letos povzpela na 11. mesto.” |
Nanny State Index in Dnevnik
“Katere države se najbolj vmešavajo v življenje svojih prebivalcev: Države Evropske unije vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov na področju pijače, hrane, alkohola in cigaret, razkriva danes objavljeni indeks paternalizma.” |
Nanny State Index in Svet 24
“Kje v EU je največ svobode glede življenjskega sloga? Kje je Slovenija?: Države Evropske unije vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov na področju pijače, hrane, alkohola in cigaret. Katera država je najbolj liberalna, katera najbolj zaščitniška? Kje je Slovenija?” |
Nanny State Index in Vecer
“Slovenija vse bolj omejuje in obdavčuje življenjski slog državljanov: Države Evropske unije vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov na področju pijače, hrane, alkohola in cigaret, razkriva danes objavljeni indeks paternalizma (Nanny State Index). Med državami, ki so postale bolj zaščitniške, je tudi Slovenija, ki se je med članicami EU z lanskega 16. letos povzpela na 11. mesto.” |
Nanny State Index in STA
“Države EU vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov, Slovenija na 11. mestu v EU: Ljubljana, 10. maja – Države Evropske unije vse bolj regulirajo življenjski slog državljanov na področju pijače, hrane, alkohola in cigaret, razkriva danes objavljeni indeks paternalizma (Nanny State Index). Med državami, ki so postale bolj zaščitniške, je tudi Slovenija, ki se je med članicami EU z lanskega 16. letos povzpela na 11. mesto.” |
Nanny State Index in El Mundo
“España, el país europeo con menos trabas legales para comer y beber: Finlandia es el país donde más difícil lo tienen sus ciudadanos para beber alcohol, pues es un producto que está muy regulado y tiene muchos impuestos. En Letonia los menores de edad no pueden comprar Red Bull.” |
Nanny State Index in Mercado Libre
“¿En qué países de la UE es más fácil comer, beber y fumar sin trabas del Estado?: España ocupa el puesto 19 de un total de 28 países en cuanto al paternalismo estatal en materia de tabaco, alcohol y comida.” |
Nanny State Index in El Espanol
“El ‘Estado niñera’ crece en España y pasa del 21º al 19º en Europa: España sigue siendo muy tolerante con alimentos y bebidas, pero ha pasado aser uno de los más obstruccionistas con el tabaco.” |
Nanny State Index in El Tiempo
“Finlandia, el país más restrictivo para comer y fumar de la UE: Informe de Epicenter reveló también que en el extremo opuesto está la República Checa.” |
Nanny State Index in Segundo en Foque
“España es el país con menos trabas para comer y beber: España.- La República de Finlandia es el territorio donde más dificultoso lo tienen sus ciudadanos para beber alcohol, pues es un producto que se encuentra muy reglamentado y tiene numerosos impuestos.” |
Nanny State Index in Expansion
“España sube dos puestos en la Liga de los países más intervencionistas de Europa: Ocupa ahora la 20º posición en el ranking, que analiza 28 economías. El título del estudio lo dice todo sobre su objetivo: ‘Estado Niñera: Comer, beber y fumar en Europa.'” |
Nanny State Index in Entorno Inteligente
“España sube dos puestos en la Liga de los países más intervencionistas de Europa: Ocupa ahora la 20º posición en el ranking, que analiza 28 economías. El título del estudio lo dice todo sobre su objetivo: ‘Estado Niñera: Comer, beber y fumar en Europa.'” |
Nanny State Index in My News Desk
“Sverige är ett av EU:s värsta länder att dricka, röka och äta i: Sverige är ett av de länder i Europa som har mest skatter och förbud på vardags- och nöjesliv, visar nya Nanny State Index 2017 som rankar EU-länderna efter hur mycket de försöker styra människors livsstil.” |
Nanny State Index in Oestgoeta Correspondenten
“Christian Dahlgren: Heja Betty Malmberg!: Förra året var Sverige det näst värsta förmynderilandet i EU, endast slaget av Finland. Nu har vi hamnat på plats 5 av 28 i rankningen över hur hårt unionens medlemmar reglerar tobak, alkohol, mat, läsk och e-cigaretter (Finland är fortfarande i topp). Detta enligt Nanny State Index 2017, som tankesmedjan European Policy Information Center står bakom.” Read Oestgoeta Correspondenten’s full story here. |
Nanny State Index in Goetesborgs Posten
“Staten behandlar vuxna som barn: “Var för sig kan flera av de regleringar vi har, och snart kommer att få, framstå som rätt så oförargliga. Men slår man ihop dem framträder bilden av en stat som inte respekterar vuxnas självbestämmande.” |
Nanny State Index in The Local
“Nanny State? Sweden ranked ‘second worst’ for boozing: Finland has topped a league table of the most tightly regulated places in the EU to eat, drink, light up or vape, with Sweden coming a close second.” |
UK |
Nanny State Index in the Independent
“Brexit was supposed to be about taking back control – but the UK has one of the most interfering nanny states in Europe. We have the highest taxes on cigarettes, the highest taxes on wine in Europe, at 55 per cent, and the second highest levied on beer.” |
Nanny State Index in CCH Daily
“UK in top three for EU ‘sin taxes’: The UK, along with Ireland and Finland, tops the European league table for ‘lifestyle regulations’, including heavy taxes on alcohol, soft drinks, e-cigarettes, food, and tobacco, according to research by the European Policy Information Centre (EPICENTER).” |
Nanny State Index in Array Radio
“Britain ranks second on ‘nanny state’ index.” |
Nanny State Index in Radio News Hub
“Britain ranks second on ‘nanny state’ index: Institute of Economic Affairs and the European Policy Information Centre publish the 2017 Nanny State Index with the UK scoring second among EU countries.” |
Nanny State Index in The Telegraph
“Boozing, smoking and chocs – how to tell the nanny state to go to hell in five easy stages: We in Britain like to think we are cut from a different cloth from the rest of Europe. We are more independent, more obstinate, more sceptical of the state’s role in our lives.” |
Nanny State Index in The Times RedBox
“Regulation of private behaviour is on the rise: Yesterday saw the publication of the 2017 edition of the Nanny State Index, a league table of the best and worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape.” |
Nanny State Index in Tax-News
“Finland and UK Top EU Sin Tax Index: Finland, the UK, and Ireland have the most wide-ranging ‘sin’ taxes in the European Union, according to a report.” |
Nanny State Index in Food Navigator
“Very little nanny-state regulation in EU, research suggests: Hungary is the worst ‘nanny-state’ in the EU when it comes to laws relating to food and drink, but new research suggests most countries have so far shunned regulation aimed at controlling consumption.” |
Nanny State Index in The Register
“Fancy a relaxed boozy holiday? Keep well away from Great Britain: Nanny State Index reveals just how hectored we are by modern-day Puritans.” |
Nanny State Index in Wired
“High ‘ sin taxes’ put UK second in Europe’s Nanny State Index: Alcohol, smoking and food taxes put the country in second place behind Finland.” |
Nanny State Index in International Business Times
“UK becomes second worst country in the EU for nanny state interference: ‘Too many politicians seem to think that treating their citizens like children is a matter of national pride.’” |
Nanny State Index in Daily Express
“The nanny state is still stifling our social freedoms, writes CHRISTOPHER SNOWDON: Historian AJP Taylor wrote: ‘Until 1914 a sensible, law-abiding Englishman could pass through life and hardly notice the existence of the state.’ What a difference a century makes.” |
Nanny State Index in City A.M.
“The UK is the second worst country in the EU for nannying citizens, according to the Institute of Economic Affairs: Britain falls behind only Finland in rankings from the Institute of Economic Affairs. The Nanny State Index, published by the IEA and the European Policy Information Centre, scores countries on regulation of private, lifestyle choices.” |
Nanny State Index in The Times
“Ireland is third worst ‘nanny state’ in Europe: Ireland has been ranked the third worst ‘nanny state’ in Europe for its restrictive public health regulations on alcohol, tobacco, sugar and eating.” |
Nanny State Index in Smart Thinking
“Smart Thinking Round Up – In focus: An index that ranks the best and worst places in the EU to eat, drink, smoke and vape was launched at an all day conference in Brussels.” |
Nanny State Index in Breitbart
“Britain has second most controlling government in European ‘Nanny State Index’: People living in the United Kingdom are the second least free in Europe in terms of access and freedom to enjoy tobacco, alcohol, and sugary food and drink, according to a new study which records increasing regulation on such items across the continent.” |
Nanny State Index in Crikey
“Today in Eurosceptic hypocrisy: A report on ‘nanny state’ policies in Europe doesn’t send quite the message you might expect.” |
Nanny State Index in Expat Briefing
“Czech Republic, Germany Bottom of ‘Nanny State’ Index: For those who smoke and drink alcohol, Germany and the Czech Republic are the EU states that offer the lightest regulations and taxes, while Finland, the UK, and Ireland charge the most prohibitive taxes, says a new report.” |
Nanny State Index in Heat Street
“Report: Nanny State Meddlers are Crushing Personal Freedom in Europe: Government interference in their citizens’ everyday lives has taken a stark turn for the worst, according to a new report.” |
Nanny State Index in Sputnik International
“Finland, UK Worst ‘Nanny State’ Offenders in ‘Sin Tax’ Crackdown: Finland, the UK, and Ireland are the worst countries when it comes to regulation of alcohol, soft drinks, food, e-cigarettes and tobacco, whereas the Czech Republic and Germany are the most liberal EU member states, according to new research from the European Policy Information Center (EPICENTER).” |
Nanny State Index in Sina | |
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Nanny State Index in 中國煙草市場 | |
Nanny State Index in 希中网 | |
Nanny State Index in 华网传媒集团 | |
Nanny State Index in Inc. | |
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Nanny State Index in Hongta Group | |
Nanny State Index in UC头条从兴趣 | |
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Nanny State Index in 中国控烟志愿者协会 | |
Nanny State Index in Gooread | |
Nanny State Index in 地球日報 | |
Nanny State Index in 摘走网 | |
Nanny State Index in 微焦環 | |
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Nanny State Index in youzingapp | |